Share your Big, Giant Hug story!
We invite you to share your story and we will feature it here on the site. It’s simple really, just submit your story below.
Not sure what to share? Here are a few prompts to get you started!
Where were you when you received your Big, Giant Hug card? How did you get it?
How did it make you feel to see that affirmation?
Did you believe it right away? If not, how did you get to the point of believing it?
How did it feel to own that affirmation?
Has having this experience changed you or your outlook in a small or significant way?
Did you pass it on? What was that experience like?
Please read our Submission Guidelines and Policies.
Your privacy is important to us! Big, Giant Hugs (CKLP Creative Services) is committed to protecting your privacy. We will never share your contact information with third parties.