You received a card.
Whether you were handed a card or found it somewhere…you were meant to receive this message! How does it make you feel to be told this affirmation?
Do you believe the message?
If not, we suggest putting it somewhere you’ll see it every day. When you do believe it…flip the card over!
Need some help? Check out the affirmations page!
You have internalized and own this message.
Notice how the color has moved from the outside into the words? Just like how this affirmation has gone from someone telling you…to you believing it yourself! That’s great!
Now Take a selfie with the “I am…” affirmation showing and post it with the hashtag: #BigGianthugs
Pass it on.
Who do you know that might need to hear your affirmation for themself? Pass along the love and see what happens!
Share your Big, Giant Hugs Story
We invite you to share your experience and we might feature it here on the site.
There is great power in sharing our experiences. The more we share, the more common ground we can find as a community…the more we feel a part of something, rather than feeling like an outsider.